Get Organised?

Technology that looks good

Get rid of the clutter of DVDs and CDs. Turn every TV, tablet, smartphone or computer in your house into a cinema. Provide a discrete surveillance system to monitor your home or business premises. Make better use of your existing home Audio Visual, IT equipment and games consoles. Provide an affordable secure, robust and reliable backup technology for all your home media files and important digital assets.

Network Attached Storage
There are hundreds of different makes and capacities of storage available for backing up your valuable digital assets in the home or workplace.. Some can even be used to stream your home video or digital movie recordings throughout your home. They all come with different features and capabilities. HMSS will help find the right combination of components for your needs.

Media Servers
If you already own a smart TV or want to turn your HDMI compatible TV into one HMSS can find a media solution for your budget. We can even find a solution to turn your older TV's into a streaming media client if you want..

Personal Devices
If you already have a iPhone, iPad, Android smart phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer, all of these devices can be clients for your streaming media, effectively turning each one into a cinema screen or audio player of your favorite media files.